Personal Coaching


We live in a world full of distractions, shiny objects, and other people telling us what we should do. I promise I won't do that to you. 

Instead, I’ll constantly ask how you want to feel, what you want to do, and how you want to shape your life.  The key is knowing what will give you a deep feeling of fulfillment and happiness.

My coaching process is a ‘come as you are’ approach.  You don’t need to know exactly what you want - yet. You simply need the desire and willingness to grow into the person you’re meant to become.

Change always takes energy so we’ll remove burdens, obligations, habits, and beliefs that make you feel stuck or weighed down by life. All of this happens during the first month. Then, you’ll be free to create what you truly desire.

You’ll have more of what you want (time, vibrancy, balance, freedom, clarity, fun, money...) and less of what you don’t (stress, frustrations, and unresolved problems). 

My clients refer to me as their thinking partner because I deeply listen and track what they are saying. For example, I’m always curious about limiting beliefs and will shine a light on them, when they bubble up. Or, when I see you procrastinating on an important goal, we’ll explore what that’s about!  

They also call me an idea factory since I am brimming with fresh ideas and will gladly share those with you, if you ask. Brainstorming how to solve a problem or get what you desire is always included!

All of this is done without any judgment and with a true spirit of curiosity and service. No one is perfect, but it always helps to step back and notice what might be getting in your way or how you can be happier.

Bring your spirit of adventure and a willingness to explore!  It’s a deep AND fun experience!

If you think of where you are TODAY and where you want to be, what's in between? A big, nebulous, sometimes scary, gray area space?? Coaching helps bridge the gap so you can finally cross over. If you feel excited about the possibility of actively creating your life or career, then my style of coaching might be right for you.

Begin by scheduling your sample session and let’s talk.


"Thanks to Kristin’s firm but friendly style and ability to get to the core of the matter very quickly, I was able to push past limiting beliefs, take action and reach my objectives much faster than if I hadn’t been working with her. Kristin is very real, down-to-earth and direct. She’s an incredibly seasoned coach with years of experience and know-how that is immediately noticeable from the moment you begin working with her. She is kind, supportive and approachable, but she won’t let you hide from your blocks or limiting beliefs. I removed many energy drains from my life and business while exceeding my income goals."

Liz Dennery
Brand Consultant & Creative Director

Welcome, I'm your coach!

Some people love designing homes or gardens, I THRIVE on designing inspiring and happy lives. We'll take a big picture view of your life and see what's working and what isn't. You're in good hands, too. All of my experience, training, volume of clients and results helped me earn the highest credential in professional coaching - MCC.  Learn more about my credentials here or check out some client results.

Since I have a *tremendous* amount of experience, I'm not scared to knock down a few walls or overhaul your entire life or career. Let's discuss what you really, truly want and make it your new reality.

I've also been featured in magazines such as Elle, Entrepreneur, Marie Claire, and Modern Luxury Dallas.


"I interviewed several life coaches before choosing Kristin. I chose her because she listened to me and made an effort to really understand my objectives. Kristin doesn't tell you what you want to hear, she draws the truth out from within you. She is easy to talk with, never judgmental or condescending. Through our sessions together, I have gained direction and confidence in my abilities. I highly recommend Kristin to anyone seeking more direction in their life."

Jeff Bass
Restaurant Owner

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