Career Coaching

I blend experience as a Career Coach, Life Coach and former Executive Recruiter so you can be fulfilled at work and in your personal life.


Feel Happier

Clarify purpose, create freedom, improve working conditions, be resilient, make more money, work from home, strengthen relationships, leave work 'at work', stress less, communicate well, self-care, beat burnout, do joyful projects, become a mentor, balance work and personal life, stop dreading work, make a difference, feel excited about Mondays again.

New Job or Career

Start a business, move into a new role, get promoted, clarify your ideal career path, focus on strengths, leverage your experience, gain new skills, change companies, be recognized as an expert, get a job you love, become a leader, negotiate higher pay, ace the interview, break into a new field, start a career path after graduation, edit your current job description.

Work Smarter

Remove time wasters, do a 'power hour' of productivity each day, raise standards, get organized, enforce boundaries, delegate more, become a multiplier, cut back on office drama, get more done, focus on strengths, manage your team with a coach approach, learn new skills, increase energy, feed your brain and body nutrition plus exercise and rest. 

"I felt stuck in a high-pressure sales job. The money was good but I felt stuck. I was grinding my teeth at night, ulcers, etc. Kristin helped me by getting clear about what I wanted my daily life to look like. She encouraged me to create a new job description and present it to my employer. To my surprise, they accepted the offer I presented (including working from home and more vacation time). Kristin helped me be realistic, yet ask for what I wanted in a professional way. All of this has given me so much freedom. As a bonus, my relationships have improved because I'm not stressed out. Now, I wake up without an alarm clock, have no commute, do yoga daily, make more money, and have more time for my kids and husband. I am very grateful to Kristin for the life makeover that started as a career makeover. My whole life is better now."

Carolyn Colbert
Business Consultant

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"Coaching was one of the best investments I've made and has more than paid for itself. Kristin helped me see new alternatives. She challenged some of the beliefs that perhaps I wasn't even conscious of. Coaching gave me tools to create the life that I may have accepted as not possible before. Immediately following coaching, I had more perspective. I was able to have boundaries for my career and give my desired focus to relationships, my health, and interests. I completed a marathon later that year, but perhaps the bigger accomplishment was that I was not canceling dinners with friends or my husband because of work - as I had previously!"


"Kristin is intelligent and uses her intuition skills to understand how she can help each one of her clients by customizing the right path for him or her. She is very diligent at making sure her clients do their homework and follow through on their goals. She is also really fun and cool to talk to! I wanted to change careers and do something that had a positive and personal impact with clients one on one. Kristin helped me brainstorm to find what path to take to achieve my new goals and transition into a new career."

Christian Pitkin
Personal Trainer & Health Coach

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